About Pantheion

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The site which you have reached is a multi-denominational project, the goal of which is to popularize polytheism and develop the theoretical foundations of polytheistic religions as well as philosophical and ethical implications of accepting a pluralistic world-view.

Some have called as pagans, and we are not petty enough to renounce ourselves from this popular term. Among us there are followers of Hellenic, Slavic and Germanic Gods, but we do not close our site to the worshipers of the Gods of the East or South.

We collect source materials such as ancient theological texts, hymns, prayers and descriptions of rituals and festivals. Through the study of ancient traditions we broaden our understanding of what paganism is. We are far from the position of religious archeologists who place their blind faith in what was, but what has already been dead for centuries, trying to resurrect it by unearthing it. We do not deal with historical reconstruction in the sense of recreating ancient costumes and requisites. We are also far from all kinds of religious Dr. Frankensteins, who create dreadful monsters from elements of different traditions. Our site does not represent a New Age movement or eclectic neo-paganism.

Although we respect everything that has survived, we are also aware, that it is impossible to be pagans of the kind our ancestors used to be. We are attempting to be pagans here and now, in the 21st century, aware of all the good and evil that has occurred so far. This requires from us creative development of the ancient tradition and confronting it with the achievements of natural sciences and humanities as well as with modern ethical and social problems. We are convinced that polytheism may be the best answer for the spiritual needs of a modern pluralistic society. We are struggling to achieve this aim.

The page is composed of articles which you will find on the menu to the left, blogs – to the right side of the page, and our discussion forum “Portyk” [Portico] to which we invite everyone who agrees, or disagrees with us.

This site is a sister-project of the Antiquity vs. Christendom web site which has a more polemical character and which we recommend to people who cannot understand why we reject Christianity. There we put under critical scrutiny the dominant religion by means of historical, biblical and sociological methods. If you are Christian that site can be a threat to your faith!

Transl. by Pacal II